Up the Lurie Bell Tower

Got a chance to go up the Robert H. Lurie Bell Tower yesterday evening ... the Lurie Tower located on the North Campus Diag is a 165-foot tall poured concrete structure with a veneer of bricks and ceramic tile and a copper roof and cladding ... the tower is actually a Carillon, a musical instrument consisting of at least two octaves of cup-shaped carillon bells, arranged in chromatic series, and played from a keyboard that allows variation of touch ... there are a total of 60 bells, the largest being about seven feet in diameter and weighing close to 6 tons and the smallest about seven inches in diameter and weighing only 20 pounds ... the picture above shows a couple of the bigger size bells ... and the bells which can be heard quite a distance away do sound real loud up there ! also the view of ann arbor from up there is quite mesmerizing

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